Sunday, August 29, 2010


I am soooo excited that I finally reached one of my goals...I am now down to 140lbs!!!! I am making an appointment Monday to get my hair did! I am so excited to finally reach this next goal will be to get to 137 which will be a total of 40lbs lost.

In other news..we are closer to building our dream house. We met with the bank on Friday and if everything goes as plan we will close on the construction loan in 2 weeks and the builders will start building...SO EXCITED..can we say PARTY..well I have to run for now...

Love, B.

Monday, August 2, 2010

No Longer Stuck

I am no longer stuck at 143...that's right! I have lost another pound..Not a big lose but hey it's one step closer to my goal! I am one pound away from going blond and I couldn't be more excited to get that done. I like changes and this will def. be a change from the dark hair.

For some more exciting news...I won two tickets and meet and greet passes to the Justin Bieber and Sean Kingston Concert Sunday night. I am soooo excited to go to a concert. I know that I am a little old to be listening to Justin Bieber but oh well!!!

Hopefully the next time I post I will have a new hair color!

Love B.